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There are some things that are unique to Korean Pokemon Cards and Korean Pokemon products.

Korean Pokemon Card Notes

There are some features unique to Korean Pokemon cards that some may not be aware of. There are also some things to consider when looking at Korean Pokemon cards.

Similarities with English Pokemon Cards

  • Korean border colors will be the same as English Pokemon Cards

  • Anything from Scarlet & Violet to Present, will feature the silver borders

  • Anything from Vstar Universe/Crown Zenith and before, will feature the yellow borders

  • Korean card back will be the same as the English card backs

    • Note: Korean card backs have a slight pink hue when compared with the English card back​

  • Rip test is one method of detecting fake/genuine cards

    • E​nglish cards have a layer of gray

    • Korean cards feature a purplish hue in the cardboard

    • Japanese cards have a layer of blue

Notes On Card Bend

Korean cards at times may have a bend straight from the pack. This is caused by the change in humidity in Korea. Depending on how it was stored and how old the set is, there may be zero to moderate natural bend in the cards. The cards are NOT damaged.

  • Fig.1 and Fig. 2

    • Alakazam Ex from Pokemon 151 is an example of the worst case of bend I've seen straight from pack​

  • Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 

    • Psyduck Art Rare from Pokemon 151 was pulled from the same box as the Alakazam Ex​

Full holo and double rare Ex cards seem to be most prone to this bend. Textured cards and Art Rares do not seem to be as affected.

  • Fig. 5

    • Alakazam Ex and Psyduck Art Rare laying flat​

Fig. 6 is a comparison between the Psyduck Art rare and two pulls from a Vstar Universe Box where cards showed no signs of bending.

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